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6 ways to have a Gr8NiteOut

Posted on 08th, Oct 2019

Well, whether you're a party animal, or prefer to keep your dancing shoes for a special occasion, or maybe it's getting close to office party time, then these hacks will help make your night much more fun!

Whether it's making your feet less sore during a night out, getting in a club for free, or making sure you have a clear head the next day, we've pulled together six AMAZING hacks for you to try.

1. Use deodorant or talc in your shoes

Sometimes the best looking shoes hurt our feet A LOT and there's nothing worse than hobbling around all evening.

So here's a tip, try putting roll on deodorant on your feet or a little bit of talc in your shoes. This will help reduce friction and help you stop suffering from painful feet!

2. Leave your purse at home

We don't need to take everything on a night out, which means it's time to leave the big handbag and purse at home.

Instead, use your phone to make contactless payments or get a phone case which has space for keys and cash too. Plus, the less you're carrying means the less chance you'll lose things on a night out.

3. Book ahead
Having to cut short a night out to make a dash for the train isn't fun, especially when you're having the best night and everyone else is having fun.So instead, plan ahead and book a hotel so you can enjoy the full night with your mates.

4. Get yourself on the guest list

Waiting in a queue to get into a club is not much fun, it's cold, there's no bar and you can't dance!

Instead call the bar or club beforehand and ask to be put on the guest list. It means you don't have to queue and (the best bit) a lot of places will do this for free!

5. Drink green tea before you head out

It might not sound like something you'd usually do before heading out, but drinking a green tea is good if you've got garlic breath.

The antioxidants kill the microbes that lead to having a breath that would scare away vampires. So put down the mints, pick up the green tea and worry no more.

6. Pick a drink and STICK to it!

Cocktails in one bar, wine in the next, mixing drinks leads to an awful hangover. So try sticking to one drink and even try drinking water in between.

The benefits? You'll spend a lot less, you'll be able to party longer and you reduce the horrendous hangover the next day.

Drink sensibly & stay safe!

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