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No hangover alcohol could be available in the near future

Posted on 25th, Sep 2019

No more hangovers!

Alcohol that makes you feel drunk without the coinciding hangover may be available within five years, according to researchers.
The synthetic alcohol, named Alcarelle, was created by Professor David Nutt - who believes it will change alcohol consumption, once it is regulated. The synthetic alcohol will also allow modifications - meaning you can choose whether you want to feel the effects of a party drink or a drink over lunch with colleagues - but you won’t be able to get drunk off of it.

Researches also claim it has no adverse effects on your liver.
Sounds like the holy grail, having a gr8niteout with friends and not waking up, head pounding and dying of thirst the next morning!
Being able to control just how drunk you got! I honestly can't wait to see how this one works out!

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