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Lib Dems restate call for 12.5% business rates cap

Posted on 09th, Nov 2017
Liberal Democrat parliamentary candidate for St Albans Daisy Cooper has restated a call for 12.5% cap on business rate to help protect pubs and small businesses.

Using her favourite pub The Boot as an example, they've seen a business rate rise of 280% from 14000 to 53000 a year! To cover this increase they would need to sell an extra 22000 pints a year!

She stated that Amazon's overall bill for their 9 warehouses has gone down by 140,000 and as I said in a previous news piece, Tesco's bill went down by 105 million pounds

This just highlights the injustice of it all, pubs business rates are calculated differently which means we get hit harder than other businesses.
Add that to UK pubs paying the highest rate of beer duty in Europe, 52.2p per pint and you get an idea of the struggle faced by Pubs today.

Could the message finally be getting through or do the Government think that just because the froze the tax on beer in the last 3 years and a freeze on duty last year mean they think they have done enough?

They have a long way to go to right the wrongs they have done to Pubs  over the last decade, all we can do is hope.


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